Kategoria - AIX - liczba wpisów 2


ex: 0602-108 screen is not a recognized terminal type. 

# export TERM=xterm
# vi file.conf

AIX TSM6 restart scheduler Kategoria: AIX | Tagi: DSMCAD, TSM, TSM SCHED, AIX | Autor: Franciszek Musiel



# Use the following script to kill the currently running instance
# of the TSM scheduler, and restart the scheduler in nohup mode.
# This script will not work properly if more than one scheduler
# process is running.
# If necessary, the following variables can be customized to allow an
# alternate options file to be used.
# export DSM_DIR=
# export DSM_CONFIG=
# export PATH=$PATH:$DSM_DIR
# Extract the PID for the running TSM Scheduler

PID=$(ps -ef | grep "dsmc sched" | grep -v "grep" | awk {'print $2'});
print "Original TSM scheduler process using PID=$PID"

# Kill the scheduler
kill -9 $PID

# Restart the scheduler with nohup, redirecting all output to NULL
# Output will still be logged in the dsmsched.log
nohup dsmc sched 2>&1 > /dev/null &

# Extract the PID for the running TSM Scheduler
PID=$(ps -ef | grep "dsmc sched" | grep -v "grep" | awk {'print $2'});
print "New TSM scheduler process using PID=$PID"


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